
Con HER Media Network fare il giornale è stata davvero un’esperienza internazionale (e culturale)

Fine anno, tempo di bilanci e ringraziamenti: vogliamo farne uno speciale a The Thinking Watermill Society e alle ragazze che hanno collaborato con noi in questi mesi, portando su queste pagine la voce e le voci dell’Africa
Credit: Dazzle Jam
Tempo di lettura 5 min lettura
31 dicembre 2022 Aggiornato alle 14:00

Ci sono molte cose per cui siamo fieri se guardiamo indietro al nostro primo anno. Una è sicuramente la collaborazione con The Thinking Watermill Society. Grazie all’avvocato Mario Di Giulio, che è uno dei fondatori, il nostro giornale ha lavorato insieme all’associazione non profit che promuove il dibattito e lo scambio di idee sui cambiamenti globali e a Her Media Network, la loro redazione tutta africana e tutta al femminile nata per dare voce alle donne africane e celebrare le loro storie e i loro racconti.

Una collaborazione che, dall’Africa, nei prossimi mesi allargheremo all’India e, gradualmente, anche ad altri Paesi, per ampliare le voci a cui speriamo di fare da megafono.

Intanto, vogliamo chiudere questo anno prestando ancora una volta il microfono a loro, le ragazze che settimana dopo settimana hanno scritto gli articoli che avete potuto leggere sulle nostre pagine, a cui abbiamo chiesto di fare un piccolo bilancio del loro anno con Her Media Network, e con noi.

Dr. Weyinmi Orighoye

It is a delight to share stories from my fieldwork about health, environment and sustainability, particularly for women and young people using Her Media Network. It is helpful to see that data, especially based on research, could be transformed for an international audience to read and understand what is happening in our world as Africans. I am also glad to be a representative of my people by using Her Media Network to tell stories that would otherwise never be heard. Her Media Network has helped me improve my writing skills and confidence with the pieces of training offered even in the few months I have joined in. Through Her Media Network, I have sparked conversations and presently improving my skills as a social researcher in the African context.

Maria Angela Maina

I would categorize 2022 as a successful period for Her Media Network. In my eyes, we have successfully managed to establish our mission as a group, maintained consistency in our article production, and gained training that we have strived to apply in our work moving forward, attributable to the indispensable guidance from the President and Vice President of The Thinking Watermill Society. From a personal perspective, Her Media Network has provided me with an avenue to exercise my passion for sustainable development, human rights and gender inequality, by providing me with a voice through the La Svolta Italia platform. I have become more evaluative in my writing, research, and advocacy to provide our readers with valuable information about Africa as it is today. To me, these are achievements that I have to grow and pass forward to our future members of the Her Media Network team, which is sure to grow in size and purpose.

Sandra Hawi

Growing up I had this strong urge to represent my people and be their voice in the fashion industry. I did not know how but I knew I would do it regardless. Well, this has become a reality through Her Media Network powered by The Thinking Watermill Society. I have been given a platform to share issues about the fashion industry in Africa with the rest of the world. This has been made possible through the publication of the articles that we write by La Svolta. I have received training organized by The Thinking Watermill Society, which has greatly improved my research and writing skills in the fashion Industry. Not forgetting the incredible women in the Her Media Network team, from whom I have learned so much and definitely looking forward to learning more.

Sophie Diana Gai

This year, I found my voice! I have always been worried about coming across as too opinionated, a trait that is frowned upon in a society where women are considered to have less of a voice. It has been so encouraging to see people worldwide comment and relate to the things we write about. It makes me know that we are all in this together.

Through Her Media Network, we have been able to make the world know that we exist and that women can work together and achieve good for all. I have gained a new perspective and learned to see the world through a holistic lens. All this could not have been possible without our amazing patrons, Caterina and Mario to whom we are forever grateful. Next year I look forward to walking the talk, ensuring that we are not just heard but that something is really being done!

Lizza Marie Kawooya

Talking about a safe place for African women’s voices! Personally, I love when women tell their stories authentically in their own lens. The Her Media Network has been that for me. Meeting and collaborating with strong, courageous women from Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Congo has been the biggest highlight of the year. Seeing the network grow each month that went by, brought a smile on my face. It reminded me that our voices will be heard by the world and our stories will be told in the very best way. I am beyond grateful for being part of this amazing network and having Mario and Caterina championing this, makes this space even much more wonderful.

I look forward to 2023 where more African women join us and tell their people’s stories with courage and empathy.

Like, Mario says; WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE!

We are the Her Media Network, Africa!

Caterina and Mario

Caterina and Mario are the co-founders of The Thinking Watermill Society, a non-profit organization with the aim to exchange ideas and create debates on social, economic and sustainable matters. With Her Media Network and, particularly with La Svolta, we were able to spread the voices of those people, especially African women, who had something to say about the place where they live, trying to surpass the dogma that some foreigners stick to places that they know only from statements and researches conducted from abroad. It is already a success to have given voices to these women and, if they have been able to touch someone’s consciousness, or just make people reflect and – maybe change their minds – on some stigmatized ideas of some places and their people, then we have been successful and reached our first goal, making people think and debate about what is happening not too far from their homelands. Thank you to La Svolta for the opportunity given us to publish these articles and help us spread the voices of the women of Africa

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