Sandra Hawi

Keniana, fashion designer, educatrice e scrittrice. Promuove attività volte all’emancipazione delle donne da contesti di violenza ed è impegnata in iniziative di moda etica.

ore 09:00

La ragazza che lavora le perle

Un’antica tradizione veneziana insegnata a una giovane africana che, una volta tornata in Kenya, trasmetterà alle sue compagne. Per trasformarla in uno strumento di emancipazione

di Sandra Hawi 7 min lettura

ore 22:00

Equal employment opportunity policies in the fashion industry

Most of the brands and the textile companies have not been inclusive when it comes to employment. Not only with gender, but also with disability, age and color

di Sandra Hawi 4 min lettura

ore 21:00

Africa: state of second hand clothes

The dark side of the Western clothes recycling

di Sandra Hawi 4 min lettura

ore 21:00

Sustainable Fashion

The many ways to make fashion sustainable

di Sandra Hawi 4 min lettura

ore 12:00

Africa: human trafficking is a silent crisis

When fundamental rights are not ensured, traffickers of human beings have free hands

di Sandra Hawi 5 min lettura

ore 11:00

Young generation and mental health

Mental health disorders affect almost a billion people of the globe, but the stigma makes it hard to sort out solutions

di Sandra Hawi 5 min lettura

ore 21:00

Africa: the war against skin bleaching

Beauty is made of different colors. Black has nothing to envy white

di Sandra Hawi 4 min lettura

ore 15:00

Women are their worst enemies

Despite the growth of the feminist movement, women still do not appear united in improving their conditions neither in the social, private and public life nor in the workplaces

di Sandra Hawi 4 min lettura

ore 09:00

Africa: fashion designers’ challenges

Fashion designers say creativity is not enough, an innovative spirit is necessary as well. Some tips from an insider

di Sandra Hawi 4 min lettura

ore 08:00

Evolution of the role of African women

A day dedicated to Pan African women to remember those that stood out in human development and as an invitation to become even more

di Lizza Kawooya, Maria Angela Maina, Sandra Hawi e Sophie Gai 7 min lettura